news and updates
Are you an intellectually obese person?
To be honest, I found myself in a really strange position the last couple of weeks - I was thinking of writing something about how we tend to overshare things on social media, and how we need to concentrate more on the quality rather than the quantity of information. I
news and updates
End of June Roundup
Things I do to be more focused and productive
I tend to see myself as a person who organizes his time well and is more on a productive side of the coin. I know I am not some productivity guru and for sure I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so with this blog post, I just
How I ran my first, and probably the last, ultramarathon
Hello there! In this blog post, I write about my experience of running the ultramarathon - a footrace longer than the traditional marathon length of 42.195 kilometers. I write about how I started running, what made me apply for the ultramarathon, the preparation process (nothing too deep and too
Clean working directory without getting your hands dirty - The story of Git, part six
Hi there! Welcome back to another blog post from my series about git. Make sure to check them out if you're interested in Git, how it works, how to fix some mess if you end up in it, and so on. This one will be about the stash.
Yes, there are more ways to take notes
Hi there! In this blog post, I will write about note-taking techniques I tried and those I ended up using. Stick with me until the end, you might find something useful and something that will arouse your curiosity. That is one of the reasons why I do this... When somebody
The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch - should you read it?
Hi there! With this blog post, I would like to start yet another section on my blog - reviewing non-fiction books, or in other words - should you read it?. This section will include the non-fiction books I've read with some of the key points I've
Training for climbing - to be coached or not?
You recently went climbing for the first time, you loved it, and you want to continue, but you don't know how... Or, maybe you have been climbing for some time, but you haven't progressed a lot... Whatever your history, in this blog post I will give
Climbers and the fear of falling
Hi there! After some time I finally decided to post something about rock climbing, my hobby and some kind of a passion one would say. First up in line is a short story about the fear of falling and how you can practice overcoming it. Enjoy! Fear of falling. According
Kubernetes - what and why?
Hi there! It's been a while since my last blog post, where I covered the Certified Kubernetes administrator certification and my approach to getting certified. To continue on in the same manner, this post will cover what the Kubernetes is and why we (not always) need it. What
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator - my approach
The importance of getting certified in today's world is big, not just in IT, but in the whole industry. I always approached them with the idea of learning the thing that is being tested, not just to pass the exam. Then again, I always opted for the certifications